ChrisNik Mag Spikes
Manufacturer: ChrisNik
In categories: Marking Products
Product Option:
Made from premium steel that produces the most durable survey marker in the industry. You can Pound it Harder and Find it Farther! The MAG SPIKE is magnetized for easy detection. Its large center point and 1 Inch diameter head makes it great for control points and property corners.
Part # Size
253MAGSPIKE 3/8 Inch x 3 Inch 25 Nails per box
254MAGSPIKE 3/8 Inch x 4 1/2 Inch 25 Nails per box
256MAGSPIKE 3/8 Inch x 6 Inch 20 Nails per box
258MAGSPIKE 3/8 Inch x 8 Inch 20 Nails per box
Drill bit sizes for Pre drilling:
11/32 Inch Masonry on multi purpose drill bit
8.5 MM drill bit